Second Human Rights Education

The team of youth workers and roma mediators working on Project BG06-102 “Youth center DObrich – Your Tomorrow”, financed under the Program “Children and youth at risk”, Component 1 “Youth at risk” of the European economic area Financial Mechanism, started a series of non-formal education sessions this year. The first one of them was held in February to mark the International Mother language day. The second session was held on 21st of March 2015 (Saturday) at 14 h in the building of the Varna University of Management – Dobrich. With this event it was marked the International day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. With great interest around 20 young people participated. The following topics were discussed:
  • The difficulty to get out of the limits of your own cultural perspective
  • Racism, stereotypes and cultural differences
  • How to fight racism in educational institutions?

P.S. The non-formal educational approach is an alternative form of education which is not regulated by rules, regulations, laws. In its core you can find the personal development and the individual approach. The non-formal education try to provoke the young people to seek new effective paths toward their own development, improvement and growth.